Products we love
We carefully choose the products we provide for our guests, and hope you love them as much as we do.
Salus Body
Hand wash, body wash, shampoo, conditioner.
The Salus Body range of home spa products has been developed to help you relax and enjoy experiences that calm the mind and nourish the body.
Salus Body are Australian-made, natural, pure products that use plant-based ingredients with 100% pure essential oils (not fragrance).
Please note: If you decide you love our Salus body products so much you take them home, we will have to charge full retail price for replenishment.
Gallery on Sturt
Travis Price posters
Iconic poster prints designed by graphic artist Travis Price.
These feature our very own Lake Wendouree, Arch of Victory, and Mt Buninyong.
Gallery on Sturt is a short 5-minute drive from Prospect Cottage.
Koffee Pirates
Long John Silver Medium Roast ground coffee
With 22 years experience selling and servicing coffee equipment, the team at Koffee Pirates know what they are talking about, so when they recommended their medium roast for our guests to use in the French press, we listened!
Koffee Pirates are just up the road at 108 Main Road, Bakery Hill, VIC, 3350.
100% organic biodegradable coffee pods
República Organic is a fair trade, organic, sustainable company who roast and pack Australia. Their biodegradable Nespresso pods decompose at around the same rate as an orange peel, compared to the 200-500 years for plastic and aluminium pods.
Place your used pods in the container next to the Nespresso machine, and our cleaners will take care of disposal.
Queen Victoria Tea
Tea selection
We love our tea almost as much as coffee, so the hunt was on to find a great tasting brew for our guests. We provide a selection of Queen Victoria Tea in individually wrapped bags for our guests.
A H Beard
Executive Penthouse King Size Mattress
A. H. Beard are a family-owned Australian company, with a 120-year history of producing amazing mattresses and helping people get a better night’s sleep.
Our king mattress is approved by the National Asthma Council of Australia to carry the Sensitive Choice blue butterfly symbol. That’s because it provides long term protection against dust mites and their allergens, so you can breathe and sleep easier.
Who Gives A Crap
100% Bamboo Toilet Paper and Tissues
WGAC donate half their profits to sanitation charities around the world.