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Prospect Cottage is equipped with an electric BBQ for your use.

You will find the BBQ in the storage area behind the studio, and the power cable in the bottom right hand drawer in kitchen.

There are outdoor power points located on the wall of the house near the key lockbox and another on the front of the studio.

If you wish to use the BBQ, please be mindful of these guidelines:

  • Only use silicone tongs and flip on the BBQ as it has a non-stick surface. You will find these in the middle drawer on the right hand side in the kitchen with the other cooking utensils.
  • Please clean the BBQ after use, including the drip tray under the grill, put the lid back on and return it to the storage area behind the studio. If after your stay the BBQ is not clean, you will be charged an additional $100 cleaning fee.
  • Please return the power cable to the kitchen after use.

For safety, be mindful of young children while using the BBQ, and while it is still hot after use.

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