
You’ve arrived at Prospect Cottage and need information about the property and the facilities we provide. Here’s all the info.

If you are bringing your dog, please make sure you let us know in advance so we can allocate extra cleaning time after your stay.

If your dog is outside, please make sure you have securely closed the gates as the road is busy.

We ask that you don’t allow your dog on the furniture.

You will find dog bowls, clean up bags, and a leash (in case you forget yours) on the top shelf above the fridge.

There’s an extra-large bowl for water if you’re leaving your furry friend outside during the day.

Please make sure you pick up after your dog and put tied bags in the council bin with the red lid.

If the unthinkable happens, and your dog gets in trouble, Eureka Veterinary Clinic are available for routine bookings, and offer 24/7 assistance – please phone (03) 5333 5959 first as the 24 hour support rotates through their locations. The staff will advise where to take your furry friend.

Unfortunately we can’t allow cats in the cottage due to allergies.

We hope you'll stay with us again next time you visit Ballarat